I am proud to serve the Albuquerque Sales and Economic Growth Association as President in 2018! ASEGA is among the oldest, largest, and most active of the business groups in the Albuquerque area. The key to our long term success is quite simple – it is the membership. We benefit from a great mix of long term (some over 30 years) and newer members. We have representatives of all types of businesses that bring many unique and diverse perspectives to our community.
We meet every week for lunch as a group. We focus at these weekly meetings on educating our members on topics of general interest to local business. The majority of the time, these meetings include sharing information within the group by other group members. Occasionally, we bring in outside experts to speak to us on non-political topics of interest such as job training programs available through the State of NM, local crime prevention, economic development activities, and others.
We are governed by a group of volunteer Officers and a Board of Directors elected from our membership. Please see the membership tab on our website for the current membership, Officers, and Directors. I know you will be impressed by the high quality businesses and businesspeople who are active in our organization.
Keith Ferrazzi said, “Poverty, I realized, wasn’t only lack of financial resources; it was isolation from the kind of people who could help you make more of yourself.”
I cordially invite you to explore our organization by joining us from 11:45 am to 1 pm Wednesday at Sadie’s of NM on 4th St NW for a great lunch and even better experience to help you make more of yourself and your business!
Your 2018 ASEGA President,
Greg Steen
Pop-A-Lock of Albuquerque